This page contains just a few of the many different solutions we offer to sites around the world. Please check out our Services page to learn more about our custom solutions for projects of all kinds!

Borehole Camera Inspections
Borehole Camera Inspections offer a quick, effective and comparatively inexpensive way to inspect, investigate and verify downhole conditions at depths not easily reachable by other means.

Data As A Service
Canary Systems Data as a Service (DaaS) is a comprehensive cloud based solution for data collection, presentation, and analysis via MLWeb.

Flow Monitoring
Managing and monitoring flows of water (as well as other types of fluids) is at the core of geosciences across a range of applications, from Mining to Hydro Power and Dam Safety to Infrastructure.

Heap Leach Monitoring
The OXYBase WR sensors are used in conjunction with the Canary Systems’ MCLOG and MLDAQ stations for automated data collection and seamless integration. Data from the logger and sensor are collected through either MultiLogger® or MLWebHardware.

Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) is a radar technique used to monitor ground and infrastructure movements over potentially large areas with millimeter precision.

Mine Monitoring in Peru & South America
Canary Systems enhances risk management capabilities for clients throughout Peru and South America with its end-to-end solutions including an advanced monitoring and integration platform, installations, and services.

Piezometer Installation
A vibrating wire piezometer is a type of instrument used in monitoring pore water pressure or water levels in various earth and rock structures

Rock Fence Monitoring
Mitigating the risks of rockfall includes active monitoring (usually visual), relocation, stabilization and protection.

Seismic Monitoring
Seismic and micro-seismic monitoring plays an important role across many engineering disciplines.

Slope Stability Monitoring
Slope stability monitoring is considered one of the most vital parts of safety in open-pit mines

Tailings Monitoring
At numerous mines around the world, Canary Systems has successfully deployed our integration platform for aggregation, visualization and analytics of both internal and external monitoring methods for monitoring tailings dams and levees.

Underground Mine Monitoring
Underground monitoring solutions use a variety of methods to detect potential geotechnical hazards in underground mines. These techniques include monitoring of convergence, deformation, and stress changes. By analyzing this data, mine operators can make informed decisions regarding where to focus their efforts to minimize the risk of failures.

Wind Turbine Monitoring
Total collapse of wind turbines due to strain can be prevented by monitoring the foundation for increasing movements and initiating remediation efforts early enough before critical damage is done.
News & Announcements
- Canary Systems at SME MINEXCHANGE: Post-Conference RecapMarch 7, 2025 - 9:09 am
- SME 2025February 17, 2025 - 10:33 am
- Geotechnical Radar and Slope Performance Monitoring CourseFebruary 11, 2025 - 10:30 am
- Happy Holidays 2024December 17, 2024 - 12:45 pm
- Introducing the Canary Systems Support Group DirectorNovember 14, 2024 - 12:29 pm