Canary Systems Featured in International Water Power and Dam Construction Magazine

This October, Canary Systems was featured in the magazine ‘International Water Power and Dam Construction’, a leading monthly international publication serving the needs of those involved in dam construction and the hydroelectricity industries.

To read the full article, you can download the PDF to the right ➡️

Founded in 1997, Canary Systems is a risk
management and data integration company with a
diverse portfolio of clients and projects throughout the US,
Canada, Brazil, Peru, Australia, and Indonesia.
The company works closely with numerous large
hydro operators. In recent years, one of the most notable
changes throughout the industry is the increasing desire
for automated data monitoring. The company has
assisted these hydro companies with the transition of
their overall data types and collection process in order to
increase efficiency using our Multilogger Suite Software.

Canary Systems aims to provide clients with turnkey
solutions for their monitoring needs. Having the access
to automated instrumentation data allows site personnel
to make informed, risk management decisions and is
a notable step in proper hydropower operation. This
includes working directly with the hydropower site and

As a geotechnical monitoring problem solver,
the company is not only able to assist with the
implementation of data collection, but also provide a wide
range of engineering services.

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