Canary Systems Joins Amira Tailings Monitoring Technologies Research

Canary Systems is proud to become a supporting member of Amira, an independent global not for profit organization representing members from the resources industry seeking to deliver research and development and innovation to the benefit of society. Amira’s project P1217 for Evaluation of Tailings Storage Facilities Monitoring Technologies developed as a response to a number of recent tailings dam failures worldwide. The project seeks to investigate monitoring technologies used in tailings storage facilities and how these methods can be utilized to better predict and warn of potential instabilities and failures.

Amira has gathered an experienced group of researchers and vendors to collaborate on a program focusing on laboratory and field testing, modeling, and monitoring technologies. Canary Systems joins this project to provide researchers with access to our industry leading MLSuite platform which can integrate a variety data types relevant to this project.

We are proud to be a supporting member of Amira and this exciting initiative. Be sure to check out our member spotlight and we look forward to contributing to more opportunities like this in the future.
