What We Do

Industries & Markets We Serve

  • Mining

    Monitoring for mines and projects of all types including underground, open pit, tailings, and slope stability

  • Dams

    Monitoring for mines and projects of all types including underground, open pit, tailings, and slope stability

  • Civil Structures

    Monitoring for mines and projects of all types including underground, open pit, tailings, and slope stability

  • Power Generation

    Monitoring for mines and projects of all types including underground, open pit, tailings, and slope stability

We provide state-of-the-art data collection and integration systems to allow clients to extract value from their monitoring investment and better understand and manage risks. This includes instrumentation, system architecture, hardware and software, and our web-based data suite MLWeb


MLWeb provides an intuitive interface to collect, view and analyze all your monitoring data in your browser.

MLSuite®  is the only tool you need to effectively and efficiently collect, manage, display, and analyze data for a variety of project types – be it automated or manually collected; short-term or long-term.

As a vendor independent platform, MLSuite allows to seamlessly connect all the links of a monitoring project (instrumentation, dataloggers, third party databases, and telemetry) in a single interface. This approach opens powerful possibilities for cross-referencing any type of data, for alarming and notifications based on real world complexity, for forecasting and recognizing trends, as well as for effective reporting and risk management.

In short, MLSuite is capable of presenting, at a glance, the status of a given project as a whole, in a single integrated view, in your browser in 2D and 3D with full GIS-enabled mapping support and flexible charting options.