Beneath the Surface: Underground Mine Monitoring Solutions with Canary Systems


Underground mining operations are no stranger to the complex interplay of geotechnical hazards that can pose significant threats to both safety and productivity. The solution? Canary Systems’ underground mine monitoring solutions: an array of technological innovation that promises to revolutionize the way we approach mining safety and efficiency.

Underground monitoring solutions have emerged as a crucial defense against potential geotechnical hazards beneath the surface. These solutions harness a diverse array of methods to detect subtle shifts and changes in the underground environment.


From monitoring convergence to tracking deformation and stress variations, these techniques provide a comprehensive view of the mine’s subsurface behavior. By analyzing this invaluable data, mine operators are empowered to make informed decisions that can help mitigate the risk of potential failures.

But the benefits don’t stop at safety alone. The impact on productivity is equally noteworthy. Imagine a scenario where potential hazards are identified and addressed even before they escalate into full-blown crises.

This proactive stance enables mine operators to preemptively tackle issues, reducing the need for disruptive unplanned downtime. The result? A significant reduction in the risk of financial losses and costly damages that can set back operations for days or even weeks.

Unifying Underground Instrumentation

What sets Canary Systems apart is their ability to effortlessly integrate multiple types of underground instrumentation. From the cutting-edge capabilities of LiDAR to the versatility of Prisms and Multi-point Extensometers, this convergence of data allows mine operators and geotechnical engineers to harness the power of a single, unified platform: MLWeb®.

MLWeb is designed to be adaptable to the specific needs of each mine or underground operation. Customizable alerts and notifications can be configured to promptly inform of any critical events, allowing for rapid response and mitigation strategies. Historical data storage and visualization tools also assist in long-term analysis, aiding in the formulation of strategies for sustained operations.

Take the next step and explore our comprehensive underground monitoring solutions on our Solutions Page.